Skycons for Android ![]()
We set out to create a native weather app on Xamarin but we wanted to build something unique to differentiate ourselves amongst the plethora of weather apps avaialble out there. The DarkSky app & Forecast did an excellent job with their Skycons.
We wanted to re-use the same icons for our app as well, however, we found that these animated icons don't exist natively on either platforms. This is currently a work-in-progress as the team is finetuning the animation & the performance itself. You can download the complete repository which also contains the sample project SkyconsDemo.
Built with Android Studio (2.2.3)
Available Icons
Icon | View |
Cloud | CloudView |
Clear Sky (Sunny) | SunView |
Clear Night | MoonView |
Partly Cloudy Day | CloudSunView |
Partly Cloudy Night | CloudMoonView |
Heavy Showers | CloudHvRainView |
Snow | CloudSnowView |
Light Showers | CloudRainView |
Fog | CloudFogView |
Wind | WindView |
Thunder | CloudThunderView |
How to use
- Deployment target should be API level 14 or above.
- Import 'SkyconsLibrary' as a library to your project.
Adding icons:
1) To add a skycon(icon) through the XML:
app:isStatic = "true"
app:strokeColor = "#000000"
app:bgColor = "#ffffff"/>
where <skycon> represents the particular view/icon. For example "MoonView"
2) To add a skycon(For instance, WindView) through Java code, perform following in the activity:
LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(this);
LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
//Using these params, you can control view attributes
//attributres include boolean isStatic,boolean isAnimated, int strokeColor , int backgroundColor
WindView windView = new WindView(this,true,false, Color.parseColor("#000000"),Color.parseColor("#ffffff"));
//Using these params, you can control width & height of the icon
params.width = 200;
params.height = 200;
- For a better experience, keep 'layout_width' & 'layout_height' the same.
Options | Value | Description |
layout_width | 100dp (recommended min value) | Width of icon |
layout_height | 100dp (recommended min value) | Height of the icon |
isStatic | True / False | Boolean Value to enable on-touch animation |
strokeColor | HEX | Customize the color of the icon |
bgColor | HEX | Customize the background colour |
Pull Requests are welcomed. We are looking forward for your suggestions on new icons & animations.
Skycons for Android is being made available in public domain under similar terms like the original