VerbalExpressions is a Java library that helps to construct difficult regular expressions.
Getting Started
Maven Dependency:
You can use SNAPSHOT dependency with adding to pom.xml
VerbalExpression testRegex = VerbalExpression.regex()
.maybe("www.").anythingBut(" ")
// Create an example URL
String url = "";
// Use VerbalExpression's testExact() method to test if the entire string matches the regex
testRegex.testExact(url); //True
testRegex.toString(); // Outputs the regex used:
// ^(?:http)(?:s)?(?:\:\/\/)(?:www\.)?(?:[^\ ]*)$
VerbalExpression testRegex = VerbalExpression.regex()
String testString = "defzzz";
//Use VerbalExpression's test() method to test if parts if the string match the regex
testRegex.test(testString); // true
testRegex.testExact(testString); // false
testRegex.getText(testString); // returns: def
Builder can be cloned:
VerbalExpression regex = regex(regex().anything().addModifier('i')).endOfLine().build();
Or can be used in another regex:
VerbalExpression.Builder digits = regex().capt().digit().oneOrMore().endCapt().tab();
VerbalExpression regex2 = regex().add(digits).add(digits).build();
Feel free to use any predefined char groups:
Define captures:
String text = "aaabcd";
VerbalExpression regex = regex()
regex.getText(text) // returns "abcd"
regex.getText(text, 1) // returns "b"
More complex examples
Other implementations
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