Verso - Offline Reverse Geocode
minSdkVersion 15
Verso is a offline reverse geocode library based in OfflineReverseGeocode and optimized to be used on Android.
Verso is capable to return the "city name", "country name" and the "country code" from a latitude and longitude provided.
Verso is a singleton and use a internal data text file where all the geo info is located.
How do I add Verso to my project?
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.firetrap:verso:1.0.1'
How do I use Verso?
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
Get geoInfo
GeoInfo geoInfo = Verso.getInstance().getGeoInfo(latitude,longitude);
String countryName = geoInfo.getCountryName();
String cityName = geoInfo.getCityName();