A library that helps implementing Android's LifeCycleObserver interface for variables instead of Classes
Sample Kotlin Code :
For Kotlin, this library adds extension functions on LifecycleOwner to make it's life-cycle events accessible from any point, the extension functions are all available at this file if you do not want to add a dependency to your project, but do not forget to add DefaultLifecycleObserver dependency in your gradle, which is the Java 8 version of architecture components life-cycle observer :
// in your activity or fragment, or any class that implements LifecycleOwner interface :
withOnCreate{ /* execute this code in onCreate() */ }
withOnStart{ /* execute this code in onStart() */ }
withOnResume{ /* execute this code in onResume() */ }
withOnPause{ /* execute this code in onPause() */ }
withOnStop{ /* execute this code in onStop() */ }
withOnDestroy{ /* execute this code in onDestroy() */ }
withOnFinishing{ /* execute this code in onDestroy() when Activity.isFinishing() returns true */ }
Sample Java Code :
.onCreateInvoke(i -> Log.e("LiteCycle", "initial value " + i))
.onCreateUpdate(i -> i + 1)
.onCreateInvoke(i -> Log.e("LiteCycle", "onCreate() invoked " + i))
.onStartUpdate(i -> i + 1)
.onStartInvoke(i -> Log.e("LiteCycle", "onStart() invoked " + i))
.onResumeUpdate(i -> i + 1)
.onResumeInvoke(i -> Log.e("LiteCycle", "onResume() invoked " + i))
.onPauseUpdate(i -> i + 1)
.onPauseInvoke(i -> Log.e("LiteCycle", "onPause() invoked " + i))
.onStopUpdate(i -> i + 1)
.onStartInvoke(i -> Log.e("LiteCycle", "onStop() invoked " + i))
.onDestroyUpdate(i -> 10)
.onDestroyInvoke(i -> Log.e("LiteCycle", "onDestroy() invoked " + i))
.onFinishingUpdate(i -> null)
.onFinishingInvoke(i -> Log.e("LiteCycle", "isFinishing() invoked " + i))
LiteCycle.defer(() -> getIntent().getBooleanExtra("EXTRA", false))
.forLifeCycle(this) // pass Activity or Fragment
.onCreateInvoke(extra -> Log.e("LiteCycle", "extra boolean : " + extra))
How things work
You can initialize a value that changes based on the Life cycle events by one of two ways :
- Instant initialization :
- Lazy initialization :
LiteCycle.defer(() -> getIntent().getBooleanExtra("EXTRA", false))
for Lazy initialization, you pass a Callable that will be invoked the first time any operation tries to access / update the value
After initializing a LiteCycle with a value stored in it, you can use or update the value based on the life-cycle events through the available methods, for example
.forLifeCycle(this) // pass Activity or Fragment
.onCreateUpdate(i -> i + 1)
this will update the stored value by adding one to it, in the onCreate() Event ... you can invoke the life-cycle event related methods multiple times, and the passed functions will be executed in the same order, like for example :
.onCreateInvoke(i -> Log.e("LiteCycle", "initial value " + i))
.onCreateUpdate(i -> i + 1)
.onCreateInvoke(i -> Log.e("LiteCycle", "onCreate() invoked " + i))
The above 3 lines will be executed in the same order when onCreate() event happens
Also there are 2 types of actions, update and invoke, like
.onResumeUpdate(i -> i + 1)
.onResumeInvoke(i -> Log.e("LiteCycle", "onResume() invoked " + i))
The update operation takes the result of the passed function and updates the stored value in the LiteCycle, while the invoke operation just uses the value stored, but it does not change it
at the end you need to invoke
for all things to take effect
Handling Rotation
There are functions like
.onFinishingUpdate(i -> null)
.onFinishingInvoke(i -> Log.e("LiteCycle", "isFinishing() invoked " + i))
Those functions will not invoke while rotation, they will be invoked after onDestroy() in case of non-rotation events, where the Life-Cycle-Owner is about to be totally destroyed
Listen on value updates
Since version 1.2.1, the observe() method returns an Rx Java 2 Observable so you can subscribe to it and get notified when ever the value is changed, so in our sample example, we can write it this way
Observable<Integer> integer = LiteCycle.with(10)
.onCreateUpdate(i -> i + 1)
.onStartUpdate(i -> i + 1)
.onResumeUpdate(i -> i + 1)
.onPauseUpdate(i -> i + 1)
.onStopUpdate(i -> i + 1)
.onDestroyUpdate(i -> 10)
Disposable disposable = integer.subscribe(i -> Log.e("LiteCycle", "integer value " + i));
The Observable created by observe(Subject) method is a BehaviorSubject, if you want a different type, you can pass any RxJava Subject sub-class, as follows :
Observable<Integer> integer = LiteCycle.with(10)
.onResumeUpdate(i -> i + 1)
.onPauseUpdate(i -> i + 1)
you do not need to care about Observable created from the observe(Subject) call, since it completes itself when the Life-Cycle Owner (Activity or Fragment) calls it's onDestroy(), so you can safely write the previous code as follows :
.onResumeUpdate(i -> i + 1)
.onPauseUpdate(i -> i + 1)
.map(i -> "integer value " + i)
.subscribe(text -> Log.e("LiteCycle", text))
This practice is perfect when declaring RxJava2 Disposables, since you can guarantee that they are disposed when onDestroy() is called
Disposable interval(){
return Observable.interval(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
Notice that if the value is set to null, the Observable wont be notified since RxJava 2 does not support null values
Gradle dependency
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
// for Java
implementation 'com.github.Ahmed-Adel-Ismail:LiteCycle:1.2.1'
// for kotlin
implementation 'com.github.Ahmed-Adel-Ismail.LiteCycle:kotlin:1.3.0' // notice version difference