This tool allows you to no longer worry about adapters. Now you will only create your ViewHolder. Communication management between your Views and your ViewHolders is possible. Creating sections is now very easily. Enjoy.
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buildtool used is 27 use {exclude group: ''} only if you have problems
dependencies {
implementation ('com.github.maximejallu:adapters-kotlin:18.08.01')
Decorators for : ButterKnife - Picasso - Glide ...
class SampleApplication: Application {
fun onCreate() {
.attachInitBindingView(decorator = object : InitBindingViewHolder {
override fun initBinding(target: Any, view: View) {
if (view.javaClass.simpleName.contains(".java")) {
//TODO e.g. butter-knife binding...
1- Create yours RecyclerViewHolder (Easy sample method)
class ViewOne(parent: ViewGroup) : RecyclerViewHolder<Int>(
parent, R.layout.support_simple_spinner_dropdown_item
) {
init {
itemView.setOnClickListener {
(getCommunication() as ViewOneListener).onClick(item)
override fun onBind() {
itemView.myTextViewId.text = "text: $item"
interface ViewOneListener: RecyclerViewListener{
fun onClick(item: Int)
2 - Create and init Adapter
fun sample(){
val adapter = RecyclerAdapter<Int>(
items = ArrayList(),
defaultViewHolder = ViewOne::class, /*for getItemViewType == 0*/
listener = object :ViewOne.ViewOneListener{
override fun onClick(item: Int) {
TODO("not implemented")
/*attache others viewHolder*/
adapter.registerViewHolder(TYPE_2, ViewTwo::class, listener = null)
3 - Declare strategy view type is necessary (Multi cell method)
fun multicellSample(){
/*sample for multi Cell [3 viewholder resgistered for this sample]*/
adapter.setItemViewTypeStrategy(strategy = object : ViewTypeStrategy<Int> {
override fun getItemViewType(position: Int, item: Int): Int {
return when{
position == 0 -> TYPE_1
item > 5 -> TYPE_2
else -> TYPE_3