

1.2.0 (Sep 15, 2021)
Jan 24, 2019
May 23, 2022 (Retired)
Nowfal Salahudeen (nowfalsalahudeen)
Nowfal Salahudeen (nowfalsalahudeen)
Source code


Kotlin library for Android providing useful extensions to eliminate boilerplate code in Android SDK and focus on productivity.

Use the power of Kotlin to make your code smaller and beautiful.


Download latest version with Gradle:

implementation 'com.nowfal.kdroidext:kdroidext:1.2.0'
 implementation 'com.github.nowfalsalahudeen:KdroidExt:1.2.0'


Binding views

// instead of findViewById(R.id.textView) as TextView
val textView = find<TextView>(R.id.textView)

Accessing ViewGroup children

/* instead of:
for (i in 0..layout - 1) {
    layout.getChildAt(i).visibility = View.GONE
layout.views.forEach { it.visibility = View.GONE }


/* instead of:
editText.addTextChangedListener(object : TextWatcher {
    override fun beforeTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) {
    override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) {
    override fun afterTextChanged(s: Editable?) {
}) */
editText.textWatcher {
    beforeTextChanged { text, start, count, after -> before() }
    onTextChanged { text, start, before, count -> onChange() }
    afterTextChanged { text -> after() }

SearchView extensions

/* instead of:
searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(object : SearchView.OnQueryTextListener {
    override fun onQueryTextChange(q: String): Boolean {
        return false
    override fun onQueryTextSubmit(q: String): Boolean {
        return false
}) */
searchView.onQueryChange { query -> update(query) }

/* instead of:
searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(object : SearchView.OnQueryTextListener {
    override fun onQueryTextChange(q: String): Boolean {
        return false
    override fun onQueryTextSubmit(q: String): Boolean {
        return false
}) */
searchView.onQuerySubmit { query -> update(query) }

SeekBar extension

/* instead of:
seekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(object : SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener {
    override fun onStopTrackingTouch(seekBar: SeekBar) {


    override fun onStartTrackingTouch(seekBar: SeekBar?) {


    override fun onProgressChanged(seekBar: SeekBar, progress: Int, fromUser: Boolean) {

}) */
seekBar.onProgressChanged { progress, fromUser -> 
    if (fromUser) mediaPlayer.seekTo(progress) 

Using system services

// instead of getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE) as WindowManager?
// instead of getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE) as PowerManager?
// instead of getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager?
// instead of getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE) as UserManager?
// etc.

Toast messages

longToast("I'm long toast message!")
toast("Hi, I'm short one!")


Layout inflater

// instead of LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.some_layout, null, false)
// or
context.inflateLayout(R.layout.some_layout, attachToRoot = true)

Using Intents

// instead of Intent(this, javaClass<SampleActivity>())
val intent = IntentFor<SampleActivity>(this)
// instead of startActivity(Intent(this, javaClass<SampleActivity>()))
// instead of startActivityForResult(Intent(this, javaClass<SampleActivity>()), REQUEST_CODE)


// using javaClass.simpleName as a TAG
w("Warn log message")
e("Error log message")
wtf("WTF log message")
// using lambda log method
v { "Verbose log message" }
d { "Debug log message" }
i { "Info log message" }
// or with custom TAG
v("CustomTag", "Verbose log message with custom tag") 


// instead of Thread(Runnable { /* long execution */ }).start()
runAsync {
    // long execution

// delayed run (e.g. after 1000 millis)
// equals Handler().postDelayed(Runnable { /* delayed execution */ }, delayMillis)
runDelayed(1000) {
    // delayed execution

// run on Main Thread outside Activity
// equals Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(Runnable { /* UI update */ })
runOnUiThread {
    // UI update

// delayed run on Main Thread
// equals Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).postDelayed(Runnable { /* delayed UI update */ }, delayMillis)
runDelayedOnUiThread(5000) {
    // delayed UI update


// instead of if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { /* run methods available since API 21 */ }
fromApi(21) {
    // run methods available since API 21

// instead of if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 16) { /* handle devices using older APIs */ }
toApi(16) {
    // handle devices running older APIs
// or
// instead of if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 16) { /* handle devices using older APIs */ }
toApi(16, inclusive = true) {
    // handle devices running older APIs

Loading animation from xml

// instead of AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(applicationContext, R.anim.slide_in_left)

Animation listener

/*instead of:
animation.setAnimationListener(object : Animation.AnimationListener{
 override fun onAnimationStart(animation: Animation?) {
 override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animation?) {
 override fun onAnimationRepeat(animation: Animation) {

animation.animListener {
 onAnimationStart { onStart() }
 onAnimationEnd { onEnd() }
 onAnimationRepeat { onRepeat() }

Web intents with url validation

// instead of Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("http://github.com"))

Context extensions

  // This extensions are also work in Activities, Fragments, Dialogs and DialogFragments
  val myColor = color(R.color.my_color_res)                     // get any color from your recources
  val myString = string(R.string.my_string_res)                 // get any String from your recources
  val myDimen = dimen(R.dimen.my_dimen_res)                     // get any dimension value from your recources as Float
  val myDimenInt = dimenInt(R.dimen.my_dimen_res)               // get any dimension value from your recources as Int
  val myInt = int(R.dimen.my_int_res)                           // get any int value from your recources
  val myFont = font(R.dimen.my_font_res)                        // get any font value from your recources
  val myStringArray = stringArray(R.array.my_string_array_res)  // get any string array from your recources
  val myIntArray = intArray(R.array.my_int_array_res)           // get any int array from your recources
  val myDrawable = drawable(R.drawable.my_drawable_name)        // get any drawable from your recources
  val myDrawable = drawable("my_drawable_name", "com.my.app")   // get any drawable from your recources by String name
  // Show toast with context, second parameter is optional, default value is Toast.LENGTH_SHORT
  toast("Some message", Toast.LENGTH_LONG)

Activity extensions

  /* Replace a fragment in container, optional parameters
    addToBackStack (default value is false)
    backStackName (default value is "")
    inAnimationRes (default value is 0)
    outAnimationRes (default value is 0)
  replaceFragment(fragment, R.id.container)
  /* Add a fragment in container, optional parameters
    addToBackStack (default value is false)
    backStackName (default value is "")
    inAnimationRes (default value is 0)
    outAnimationRes (default value is 0)
  addFragment(fragment, R.id.container)
  /* Start new activity, optional parameters
    extras (default value is Bundle())
    overrideTransitions (default value is false)
    enterAnimation (default value is 0)
    exitAnimation (default value is 0)
  /* Start new activity for result, optional parameters
    extras (default value is Bundle())
    overrideTransitions (default value is false)
    enterAnimation (default value is 0)
    exitAnimation (default value is 0)
  startActivityForResult(activityToOpen, requestCode)
  /* Start new activity with transitions, optional parameter
    extras (default value is Bundle())
  startActivityWithTransitions(activityToOpen, options)
  /* Start new activity for result with transitions, optional parameter
    extras (default value is Bundle())
  startActivityForResultWithTransitions(activityToOpen, requestCode, options)
  /* Start new activity for result with transitions, optional parameter
    requestCode (default value is 0)
    extras (default value is Bundle())
  startActivityFromFragmentWithTransitions(activityToOpen, fragmentFrom, options)
  /* Start new activity for result with transitions, optional parameter
    extras (default value is Bundle())
  startActivityFromFragmentWithResult(activityToOpen, fragmentFrom, requestCode)
  // Pop fragment in back stack
  popFragment(name, flags)
  popFragment(id, flags)
  //Remove fragment
  // Works on API19+
  // Works on API23+
  // Works on API19+, removes the previous
  // Works on API19+
  // Works on API26+
  // Works on API19+, removes the previous

Fragment extensions

  /* Start new activity for result from fragment, optional parameters
    extras (default value is Bundle())
    overrideTransitions (default value is false)
    enterAnimation (default value is 0)
    exitAnimation (default value is 0)
  startActivityForResult(activityToOpen, requestCode)
  /* Start new activity for result with transitions, optional parameter
    extras (default value is Bundle())
  startActivityFromFragmentWithResult(activityToOpen, fragmentFrom, requestCode)
  // Pop fragment in back stack
  popFragment(name, flags)
  popFragment(id, flags)
  //Remove fragment

Animator extensions

  val animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(1f, 10f)
  animator.onStart { ... }
  animator.onEnd { ... }
  animator.onCancel { ... }
  animator.onRepeat { ... }
  animator.onResume { ... }                                 // API 19+
  animator.onPause { ... }                                  // API 19+
    { /* onStart */},
    { /* onEnd */},
    { /* onCancel */},
    { /* onRepeat */},
    { /* onResume */ },
    { /* onPause */ }
  val transition = Explode()
  transition.onTransitionStart { ... }
  transition.onTransitionEnd { ... }
  transition.onTransitionResume { ... }
  transition.onTransitionPause { ... }
  transition.onTransitionCancel { ... }
    { /* onTransitionStart */ },
    { /* onTransitionEnd */ },
    { /* onTransitionResume */ },
    { /* onTransitionPause */ },
    { /* onTransitionCancel */ }

Collections extensions

  val list = ...
  val randomItem = list.randomItem()                        // Get random item from any List

Calendar extensions

  val calendar = ...

File extensions


Image extensions

   val bitmap = ...
   bitmap.toUriJpeg(context, title, description)
   bitmap.toUriPng(context, title, description)
   bitmap.toUriWebp(context, title, description)
   val drawable = ...
   val imageView = ...
   imageView set R.drawable.image_res
   imageView set drawable
   imageView set bitmap
   imageView set icon                                                       // API 23+
   imageView set uri

Text extensions

   val editText = ...
   editText.afterTextChanged { editable -> ... }
   editText.beforTextChanged { charSequence, start, count, after -> ... }
   editText.onTextChanged { charSequence, start, before, count -> ... }
   editText.focus()                                                      // focus on this EditText
   editText.requestFocusAndKeyboard()                                    // focus and open keyboard
   editText.clearFocusAndKeyboard()                                      // remove focus and close keyboard
   val textView = ...
   textView set R.string.some_text_resource
   textView set someString
   textView set someSpannable

View extensions

   val view = ...
   /* Create snackbar on view, optional parameters
       duration (default value is Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT)
       actionName (default value is ")
       actionTextColor (default value is 0)
       action (default value is {})
   /*Animate different properties of view, optional parameters
       duration (default value is 300)
       repeatCount (default value is 0)
       repeatMode (default value is 0)
   view.animateTranslationX(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   view.animateTranslationY(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   view.animateTranslationZ(floatArrayOf( ... ))            // API 21+
   view.animateScaleX(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   view.animateScaleY(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   view.animateAlpha(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   view.animateRotation(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   view.animateRotationX(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   view.animateRotationY(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   view.animateX(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   view.animateY(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   view.animateZ(floatArrayOf( ... ))                       // API 21+
   val animator = view.translationXAnimator(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   val animator = view.translationYAnimator(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   val animator = view.translationZAnimator(floatArrayOf( ... ))            // API 21+
   val animator = view.scaleXAnimator(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   val animator = view.scaleYAnimator(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   val animator = view.alphaAnimator(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   val animator = view.rotationAnimator(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   val animator = view.rotationXAnimator(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   val animator = view.rotationYAnimator(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   val animator = view.xAnimator(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   val animator = view.yAnimator(floatArrayOf( ... ))
   val animator = view.zAnimator(floatArrayOf( ... ))                       // API 21+
   view width 150                           // set view width
   view hesght 100                          // set view height
   view visible flase                       // show or hide view
   val linearLayout = ...                   // or some other ViewGroup
   linearLayout inflate R.layout.some_layout_to_inflate
   linearLayout.forEach { childView -> }
   linearLayout.forEachIndexed { childView, index -> }
   val progressBar = ...
   val checkBox = ...                       // or some other compund button
   checkBox.onChecked { view, isChecked -> ... }
   val bottomSheetBehavior = ...
   bottomSheetBehavior.onSlide { bottomSheetView, slideOffset -> ... }
   bottomSheetBehavior.onStateChanged { bottomSheetView, newState -> ... }

Dynamic layout extensions

   //Creating a spinner with single function
   val spinner = ...
      items,                                    // array or mutable list
      onItemSelected = { item, postion -> ... }
   //Creating an AutoCompleteTextView with single function
   val autoCompleteTextView = ...
      items,                                    // array or mutable list
      onItemSelected = { textString, postion -> ... }
   //Creating a ListView with single function
   val listView = ...
      items,                                    // array or mutable list
      creator = { item, position -> ... },      // write to list binding logic inside this lambda
      itemClick = { item, position -> ... },
      itemLongClick = { item, position -> ... }
   //Creating a RecyclerView with single function
   val recyclerView = ...
      items,                                    // array or mutable list
      linearLayoutManager,                      // or some other layout manager
      creator = { item, position -> ... },      // write to list binding logic inside this lambda
      itemClick = { item, position -> ... },
      itemLongClick = { item, position -> ... },
      onScrollTop = { ... },
      onScrollBottom = { ... }
   //Creating a typed RecyclerView with single function
      mapOf(type1 to R.layout.type1, ...),
      items,                                    // array or mutable list
      linearLayoutManager,                      // or some other layout manager
      itemTypes = { position -> ... }           // declare types of items
      creator = { item, position, type -> ... },      // write to list binding logic inside this lambda
      itemClick = { item, position -> ... },
      itemLongClick = { item, position -> ... },
      onScrollTop = { ... },
      onScrollBottom = { ... }
   recyclerView.updateItem(item, position)
   //Creating a ViewPager with single function
   val viewPager = ...
      items,                                    // array or mutable list of Fragments
   viewPager.onPageScrollStateChanged { state -> ... }
   viewPager.onPageScrolled { position, positionOffset, positionOffsetPixels -> ... }
   viewPager.onPageSelected { position -> ... }

If you are customizing it and feel that the customizations are generic and would add value for other users of this library: Pull Requests are most welcome! :-)

Usage JPrefHelper for JAVA and KPrefHelper for KOTLIN

Declaration of JPrefHelper object: (recommended at class level)

JPrefHelper sph; 

Instantiation of the JPrefHelper object: (recommended in onCreate() method)

    // use one of the following ways to instantiate
    sph = new JPrefHelper(this); //this will use default shared preferences
    sph = new JPrefHelper(this, "myappprefs"); // this will create a named shared preference file
    sph = new JPrefHelper(this, "myappprefs", 0); // this will allow you to specify a mode

Putting values into shared preferences

Fairly simple! Unlike the default way (when using the SharedPreferences class) you'll NOT need to call .edit() and .commit() ever time.

    sph.putBoolean("boolKey", true);
    sph.putInt("intKey", 123);
    sph.putString("stringKey", "string value");
    sph.putLong("longKey", 456876451);
    sph.putFloat("floatKey", 1.51f);

    // putStringSet is supported only for android versions above HONEYCOMB
    Set name = new HashSet();
    sph.putStringSet("name", name);

That's it! Your values are stored in the shared preferences.

Getting values from shared preferences

Again, just one simple method call with the key name.


    // getStringSet is supported only for android versions above HONEYCOMB

Advanced Usage

What if the value is not set for a given key already? : It returns the default value. Default values are as follows:

    private int intDefaultVal = 0;
    private long longDefaultVal = 0;
    private float floatDefaultVal = 0;
    private boolean boolDefaultVal = false;
    private String stringDefaultVal = "";
    private Set<String> stringSetDefaultVal = null;

What if i want a different value as default for each type? : Check the next section to see how to change default value.

What if i want a different default value only for a partylar key? : Yes, you can achieve that by passing it as an additional parameter in the get method as follows:

    sph.getBoolean("boolKey", true);
    sph.getInt("intKey", -1);
    sph.getString("stringKey", "my custom default string");
    sph.getLong("longKey", -222);
    sph.getFloat("floatKey", -13.76f);

    // getStringSet is supported only for android versions above HONEYCOMB
    sph.getStringSet("name", new HashSet<String>());

Setting default values for each data type when no values are set

Be careful with this as this will set the default value for the data type.

    sph.setStringDefaultVal("custom default string");
    sph.setStringSetDefaultVal(new HashSet<String>());

Registering an OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener for the shared preferences

Just like you do it for the normal SharedPreferences instance:

    JPrefHelper.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener listener = new SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener() {
        public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) {
            // do what you got to do here

Unregistering the OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener (if registered)

Simply unregister the listener you registered above.




setTimeZone allow you to define your time zone by default it's UTC



formatDate is a method that allow you to convert date object to string or timeStamp to date and vice-versa.

Date string to Date object

// MySQL/SQLite dateTime example
Date date = DateTimeUtils.formatDate("2017-06-13 04:14:49");
// Or also with / separator
Date date = DateTimeUtils.formatDate("2017/06/13 04:14:49");
// MySQL/SQLite date example
Date date = DateTimeUtils.formatDate("2017-06-13");
// Or also with / separator
Date date = DateTimeUtils.formatDate("2017/06/13");

Date object to date string MySQL/SQLite

String date = DateTimeUtils.formatDate(new Date());

timeStamp to Date object

By default it will considere given timeStamp in milliseconds but in case you did retrieve the timeStamp from server wich usually will be in seconds supply DateTimeUnits.SECONDS to tell the fonction about

// Using milliseconds
Date date = DateTimeUtils.formatDate(1497399731000);
// Using seconds (Server timeStamp)
Date date = DateTimeUtils.formatDate(1497399731,DateTimeUnits.SECONDS);


formatWithStyle allow to parse date into localized format using most common style

Date object to localized date

DateTimeUtils.formatWithStyle(new Date(), DateTimeStyle.FULL); // Tuesday, June 13, 2017
DateTimeUtils.formatWithStyle(new Date(), DateTimeStyle.LONG); // June 13, 2017
DateTimeUtils.formatWithStyle(new Date(), DateTimeStyle.MEDIUM); // Jun 13, 2017
DateTimeUtils.formatWithStyle(new Date(), DateTimeStyle.SHORT); // 06/13/17

Date string to localized date

DateTimeUtils.formatWithStyle("2017-06-13", DateTimeStyle.FULL); // Tuesday, June 13, 2017
DateTimeUtils.formatWithStyle("2017-06-13", DateTimeStyle.LONG); // June 13, 2017
DateTimeUtils.formatWithStyle("2017-06-13", DateTimeStyle.MEDIUM); // Jun 13, 2017
DateTimeUtils.formatWithStyle("2017-06-13", DateTimeStyle.SHORT); // 06/13/17


formatWithPattern allow to define your own parse pattern following SimpleDateFormat scheme

Date string as source

DateTimeUtils.formatWithPattern("2017-06-13", "EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy"); // Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Date object as source

DateTimeUtils.formatWithPattern(new Date(), "EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy"); // Tuesday, June 13, 2017


isToday Tell whether or not a given date is today date

// Date object as source
boolean state = DateTimeUtils.isToday(new Date());
// Date String as source
boolean state = DateTimeUtils.isToday("2017-06-15 04:14:49");


isYesterday Tell whether or not a given date is yesterday date

// Date object as source
boolean state = DateTimeUtils.isYesterday(new Date());
// Date String as source
boolean state = DateTimeUtils.isYestrday("2017-06-15 04:14:49");


getDateDiff give you the difference between two date in days, hours, minutes, seconds or milliseconds DateTimeUnits

// Dates can be date object or date string
Date date = new Date();
String date2 = "2017-06-13 04:14:49";
// Get difference in milliseconds
int diff = DateTimeUtils.getDateDiff(date,date2, DateTimeUnits.MILLISECONDS);
// Get difference in seconds
int diff = DateTimeUtils.getDateDiff(date,date2, DateTimeUnits.SECONDS);
// Get difference in minutes
int diff = DateTimeUtils.getDateDiff(date,date2, DateTimeUnits.MINUTES);
// Get difference in hours
int diff = DateTimeUtils.getDateDiff(date,date2, DateTimeUnits.HOURS);
// Get difference in days
int diff = DateTimeUtils.getDateDiff(date,date2, DateTimeUnits.DAYS);


getTimeAgo give ou the elapsed time since a given date, it also offer two print mode the full and short strings eg . 3 hours ago | 3h ago the strings are localized but at the moment only FR and EN language are available. If you need your langage to be add just let me know :)

String timeAgo = DateTimeUtils.getTimeAgo(context,new Date()); // Full string style will be used
// Short string style
String timeAgo = DateTimeUtils.getTimeAgo(context,"new Date()",DateTimeStyle.AGO_SHORT_STRING ); 


formatTime allow you to extract time from date by default it wont show the hours if equal to 0 but you can supply forceShowHours parameter to force hours display

String time = DateTimeUtils.formatTime(new Date()); // 14:49 if hours equals 0 or 04:14:09 if hours witch is wrong when use it on time rather than a duration
// Solution >> force hours display
String time = DateTimeUtils.formatTime(new Date(),true);
// And you can also supplie a date string
String time = DateTimeUtils.formatTime("2017-06-13 04:14:49"); // 04:14:49


millisToTime is usefull when your dealing with duration and want to display for example player duration or current playback position into human readable value.

String time = DateTimeUtils.millisToTime(2515); // It take millis as an argument not seconds


timeToMillis allow to convert time string to millseconds

int milliseconds = DateTimeUtils.timeToMillis("14:20"); // 860000

Set Image URI in ImageView with cache stratogy (GLIDE)

setImageUrl(url: String, img: ImageView)

add "implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.8.0'" in your project for working setImgeUrl function
and if you want to use circleimageview ,add "implementation 'de.hdodenhof:circleimageview:3.0.0'" in your project

rateAction(activity: Activity)

shareText(subject: String, body: String, mContext: Context)

copyToClipboard(context: Context, data: String)

setSystemBarTransparent(act: Activity)

setSystemBarColor(act: Activity, @ColorRes color: Int)

for more functions visit https://github.com/nowfalsalahudeen/KdroidExt/blob/master/kdroidext/src/main/java/com/nowfal/kdroidext/Utils/Tools.kt

###Time and Date Humanizer TimeUnit.YEAR, TimeUnit.MONTH, TimeUnit.WEEK, TimeUnit.DAY, TimeUnit.HOUR, TimeUnit.MINUTE, TimeUnit.SECOND, TimeUnit.MILLISECOND

val units = listOf(DurationHumanizer.TimeUnit.HOUR, DurationHumanizer.TimeUnit.MINUTE)
var options = DurationHumanizer.Options(units = units)
println(humanizer.humanize(97320000, options)) // 27 hours, 2 minutes
// You can also have your own custom units
val customUnit = DurationHumanizer.TimeUnit("o", 5000)
options = DurationHumanizer.Options(
    units = listOf(customUnit),
    language = "cl",
    languages = mapOf("cl" to customLanguage)
println(humanizer.humanize(97320000, options)) // 19464 o-abc


Boolean value. Use true to round the smallest unit displayed (can be combined with largest and units).

val options = DurationHumanizer.Options(units = listOf(DurationHumanizer.TimeUnit.HOUR), round = true)
println(humanizer.humanize(97320000, options)) // 27 hours


String to substitute for the decimal point in a decimal fraction.

val options = DurationHumanizer.Options(units = listOf(DurationHumanizer.TimeUnit.HOUR), round = false, decimal = ",")
println(humanizer.humanize(97560000, options)) // 27,1 hours


String to include before the final unit. You can also set serialComma to false to eliminate the final comma.

var options = DurationHumanizer.Options(conjunction = " and ")
println(humanizer.humanize(22141000, options)) // 6 hours, 9 minutes, and 1 second
options = DurationHumanizer.Options(conjunction = " and ", serialComma = false)
println(humanizer.humanize(22141000, options)) // 6 hours, 9 minutes and 1 second

Special Thanks to Mohammad Mirrajabi (mirrajabi) for his awsome effort work on humanizer library . Iam just merge his code base into my library for some useful things



Starting an activity:

startActivity<FooActivity> {
 putExtra(EXTRA_TITLE, title)

Showing an AlertDialog:

showAlertDialog(R.string.delete_everything) {
 positiveButton(R.string.yes) { _, _ -> deleteAll() }

Showing a Snackbar:

showSnackbar(view, R.string.do_you_agree) {
 setAction(R.string.agree) { validateAndSubmit(true) }

Popping a Toast:


Inflating a View:

val layout = container.inflate(R.layout.template_row)

Writing to SharedPreferences:

defaultSharedPreferences.edit {
 put(PREFS_LAST_SYNC, System.currentTimeMillis())

Creating a new Bundle:

newBundle {
 put(ARG_ANSWER, 42)


Many helper methods are accessible in a Fragment without a reference to the container activity, safely:

startActivity<FooActivity> {
 putExtra(EXTRA_TITLE, title)

If getActivity() is null, startActivity<>() is never executed.

Generally, parameters that can be determined at runtime can be skipped in the context of a Fragment. For instance, for showSnackbar(), the view parameter can be omitted, e.g.:



KotX includes a growing list of helpers for collections and lists that are native to Android. These methods are thread-safe where possible; e.g. LruCache.getOrPut():

holder.title!!.text = titleCache.getOrPut("title") {

Get list of values in a SparseArray:

val items: List<String> = sparseArray.values


In addition writing to SharedPreferences via Editor directly, you can write individual values via delegate properties:

var color: String? by Preferences.sharedPrefs

// Corresponds to Preferences.sharedPrefs.getString("color", "red")
val colorWithDefault: String?
    get() = color ?: "red"

Log.v(LOG_TAG, "color: $colorWithDefault")
color = "blue"
Log.v(LOG_TAG, "color: $colorWithDefault")

// Outputs:
// color: red
// color: blue

Delegate properties return nullable types to denote missing values, even for primitive types such as Integer. Writing a null value removes the key/value pair from SharedPreferences.


Many helpers deal with nullability issues safely. For instance, to avoid errors in a Fragment that's detached from activity, you can safely get it as a nullable String:


Similarly Fragment.resourcesSafe will return a null Resources reference if the activity is detached.


Use ViewParser to tag View layout ids, then assign them at runtime - even for read-only properties:

@ViewParser.Leaf(layoutId = R.id.message_text)
private val message: TextView? = null

// You can omit layoutId if the resource identifier matches the variable's
// underscore-delimited version (confirm_button in this case):
private val confirmButton: Button? = null

// ... later, in Fragment.onCreateView() ...

val layout = container.inflate(R.layout.fragment_main)
message!!.text = "It works!"

// ... or Activity.onCreate() ...

message!!.text = "It works!"

Use ByteArrayBuilder to build byte arrays in a manner similar to StringBuilder - without resorting to IO streams or direct copying:

val encryptedString = buildByteArray {


Java's poor handling of date/time types isn't exactly news. In place of a heavy reimplementation or simple syntactic sugar, KotX introduces DateTime and MutableDateTime, which act as thin wrappers around Java's Calendar:

// Basics:
DateTime(1983, 7, 15, 8, 0, 59) // Specific instance using current time zone
DateTime(1983, 7, 15, timeZoneId = "America/Los_Angeles") // or any time zone...
DateTime.now // Get current time/date
DateTime.today // Get today's date with time components set to 0

// Simple formatting using current time zone:
time.toString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
// Using a custom formatter:
time.toString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss".toDateFormat(tzCode, Locale.US))

// Parsing in current time zone:
val parsed = DateTime.parse("7/15/1983", "MM/dd/yyyy")
val wrong = DateTime.tryParse("HELLO!", "MM/dd/yyyy") // Returns null on error

// Math using specific units:
time.addedYears(3) // Return a new DateTime instance

In addition to compareTo and equals, DateTime includes additional helpers using Kotlin's infix syntax:

when {
 time1 on time2 -> // ...
 time1 before time2 -> // ...
 time1 after time2 -> // ...

on (and variants onOrBefore and onOrAfter) is particularly useful for performing time zone-agnostic equality checks, since equals itself is not time zone agnostic.

Any methods called on a DateTime instance leave the receiver unmodified - thus DateTime is immutable. KotX also includes a mutable subclass called MutableDateTime, which adds functions and properties that modify the object in-place:

val mutable = MutableDateTime.now
mutable.year = 2043 // ... set a component explicitly
mutable.addDays(17) // ... increment a particular component

Because KotX is an Android library, DateTime and MutableDateTime are both Parcelable:

// Using the usual syntax:
dest.writeParcelable(time, 0)
time = source.readParcelable(DateTime::class.java.classLoader)
// or...
mutableTime = source.readParcelable(MutableDateTime::class.java.classLoader)

// Using extension methods:
time = source.readDateTime()
// or...
mutableTime = source.readMutableDateTime()

The hit of DateTime on the size of the parcel is minor - it stores only the number of milliseconds since epoch (Long) and a string identifying the time zone.

DateTime and MutableDateTime work well with existing types, such as Calendar and Long (milliseconds since epoch), and most methods that take DateTime will also accept the Calendar and Long.

Finally, it's important to note that unlike Calendar, the DateTime's first month is numbered 1, not zero. Any methods expecting/returning the month number will adjust accordingly.


Sending local broadcasts:


Accessing the TextView of a Snackbar:

showSnackbar(R.string.access_denied) {
 textView?.maxLines = 1

Reading style attributes:

var textColor = Color.parseColor("#fff")
view.context.withStyledAttributes(R.styleable.GaugeView, attrs) {
 textColor = getColor(R.styleable.GaugeView_textColor, textColor)


Examples listed here aren't exhaustive, particularly with regard to Context.

Thanks for Akop Karapetyan for kotx library.. i just fork him repo for my personal ease of use


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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.