A RoundedImageView library that supports rounding any corner or circular shape. RoundedImageView is extended from AppCompatImageView.
What Works?
- It supports all kinds of drawable, bitmaps, resources just like a normal ImageView.
- Glide Works fine in my case, other libraries should also work fine.
- All scale types are working
- AdjustViewBounds also works
- Shadows work (only if reverseMask="false").
- Android Studio does not display rounded corner in Layout Preview
- It is not the fastest library out there.
- Borders are not supported at the moment. Pull requests are welcomed.
- Oval shape is not supported.
implementation 'com.rishabhharit.roundedimageview:RoundedImageView:0.8.4'
How to use
Circular Shape
To get Circular shape, all you need to do is set cornerRadius to a value that is higher than the width & height of your RoundedImageView app:cornerRadius="1000dp"
is pretty flexible. It supports all the following variations
(yes you can use multiple at the same time here separated by | )
This attribute can be used to achieve transparency inside the shape instead of outside the given shape. Padding area is also a part of outside region in this case.
Note: Shadows don;t work when reverseMask
is true
Default is value for app:roundedCorners
is all
Default is value for app:cornerRadius
is 0dp
Default is value for app:reverseMask
is false