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A library to make toasts that can be used in 4 different types (Success, Error, Warning, Info).

Jan 1, 2022

A toastoregg library for Android.

Nov 9, 2020

A simple toast library to show some alerts.

Oct 8, 2019

A new way to create toasts, similar like Bootstrap alerts.

Jul 22, 2019

A library to show Toasts in a pretty RTL way.

Jun 2, 2019

Toastie is a simple and custom toast library. You can either use simplest and pre-set toasts or you can customize everything that you want!

May 20, 2019

You can create customized Snackbar with KSnack. - Use MinimalKSnack for snackbar on top of screen. (like youtube connection alert) - 2 Types animation: Fade and Slide.

Feb 26, 2019

Toastest is a simple library by Kotlin for customizing toasts. (Supported animation)

Feb 8, 2019

A simple and quickest way to show a toast in android!

Jan 11, 2019

A simple way to customize your toast with different colors and icon! There is only one standard method to display customized toast, this method returns a customized toast.

Jan 7, 2019

A simple library to display themed toasts with icon and text on Android 14+ (ICS or above) devices.

It has several method to display toasts based on the requirement. Each method returns a Toast object which can be customised further.

Please call show() method to display the toast.

Dec 26, 2018

A fully and highly customizable material designed Toast for Android.

Dec 24, 2018

An Android library to create customizable floating animated toasts like in Clash Royale app.

Dec 5, 2018

A Fully Customised and Customisable Toast.

Nov 17, 2018

Custom toast messages.

  • You can create customizable toast messages with FBToast.
  • Use FBToast.LENGTH_SHORT or FBToast.LENGTH_LONG for toast display duration.
  • You can use Gravity.BOTTOM, Gravity.TOP, Gravity.LEFT or Gravity.RIGHT for toast position on screen.
Oct 4, 2018

An Android library to implement slide animated Toast messages.

Jun 18, 2018

Custom toast messages.

  • You can create customizable toast messages with KToast.
  • Use KToast.LENGTH_AUTO for unnormally long texts.
  • You can use Gravity.BOTTOM, Gravity.TOP, Gravity.LEFT, Gravity.RIGHT or Gravity.CENTER for toast position on screen.
Mar 11, 2018

Cue is the library to create fully customizable Bootstrap styled alerts

Jan 28, 2018

This library is developed for simple and awesome custom toast with one line of code. With customisation of background and text color of toast. Three types of toast are available error toast, success toast and network error toast.

Jan 27, 2018

Library Achievement View to show message or informative in your app.

Jan 20, 2018

Custom toast and dialog.

Jan 16, 2018

An attractive, stylish customizable toast library that can be displayed at three different positions on-screen.

Dec 23, 2017

Make your native android Toasts Fancy. A library that takes the standard Android toast to the next level with a variety of styling options. Style your toast from code.

Oct 21, 2017

Use the LitToast to get lit and show your users a proper toast.

Oct 15, 2017

It is an Android Library to customise toasts.

Oct 15, 2017

Android-CustomToast is a powerful & easy to use Custom Toast library for Android. It runs on API level 14 and upwards.

This library provides some predefined custom toast. Also you can coustomize the toast according to your need

A Single line of code can add a beautiful toast message in your app.

Sep 30, 2017

Just another custom Android Toast.

Sep 13, 2017

This project allows you to create a custom Toast in android in simplest way.

Sep 10, 2017

CookieBar is a lightweight library for showing a brief message at the top or bottom of the screen.

Aug 28, 2017

A really simple library that help you to display a custom toast with many colors (for success, warning, danger, info, dark, light, primary, etc.), or with rounded corners, or event with image.

Aug 28, 2017