An Android library (Step View) written in kotlin to display steps (without any max-min limits) along with the status/description. It also supports some really cool features.
With this component you can have a step bar that allows you to manage multiple fragment steps in a simple way.
A simple library for using steps with images and animation.
Welcome Coordinator is a library for Android that helps you to create really awesome welcome wizards for your Apps, but this is not all, also you can use the library to create form wizards really nice.
Material Design Stepper Library for Android.
Android Json Wizard is a library for creating beautiful form based wizards within your app just by defining json in a particular format.
WizarDroid is a lightweight Android library that addresses a feature that Android is surprisingly missing, Wizards. It is built on top of Android's ViewPager
to enable slide animation and touch functionality.
Wizard encapsulates navigation operations between fragments of an activity using BackStack
Wizard Pager is a library that provides an example implementation of a Wizard UI on Android.