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Easy to use Android Reacive Bluetooth library for communicating with microcontrollers. Tiny and simple.

Jan 19, 2016

android-btxfr is a lightweight library designed to send and receive any type of data between Android (API 15 and higher). It can be used to exchange text, files, photos, videos, sounds, and literally any other type of binary data. The library supports anything that can be put into a byte stream and includes digest checking to ensure data integrity.

Jul 14, 2014

Thin wrapper around the Android Bluetooth LE API.

Sep 2, 2016

This library allows you to easily create a socket bluetooth connection for two android devices with one server and one client. This library is compatible with the Android SDK 2.3 to 4.4.

Jul 14, 2014

A set of helper classes for working with Bluetooth devices on Android.

Jun 23, 2015