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Tiny lightweight Kotlin Android library to change theme at runtime.

  • DressCode uses only extension functions to enable runtime theme changes avoiding the need to create some kind of BaseThemeActivity class
  • Declare your Themes as normal in styles.xml
  • Automatically updates activity themes
  • Remembers the current theme between app launches
Nov 3, 2018

StylishWidget is a library for an Android Application project to make the UI more beautiful and allow to use third party fonts.

Oct 16, 2017

Chameleon is a CSS like framework for Android. Chameleon can read styles in JSON format and apply them on views in Android. Not only can you choose from the variety of styles provided by the library but also add your own styles by changing just one file.

The icing on the cake is, once set up, themes can be updated without pushing a new version of your app to the playstore. So, your users can see your changes on the fly.

Jul 26, 2017

Tint and colorize Android views easily.

Nov 7, 2016

Why use different colors of the same asset when you can include one color and change it to fit your needs? Also how do you handle dynamic changes such as when you use a drawer and want to do some really neat effects?

This library enables you to color a view, image icons, and text in a very simple way.

Jul 21, 2014