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ARVI - Autoplayable RecyclerView Items.

ExoPlayer-based Android library that makes the implementation of the autoplayable RecyclerView video items an easy task

Jan 12, 2019

Kotlin DSL mechanism for recycler views.

Dec 21, 2018

A solution to compose RecyclerView Decoration.

The idea is to compose the decoration by combining small and simple components.

In isolation, those items are simple and easy to write and understand. But combined (or composed), they can form very complex decoration with complex selective conditions.

Dec 9, 2018

You can make sticky items in recyclerview with this library.

Nov 18, 2018

Middleman is a library for helping handling items in RecyclerView adapters with better following SOLID rules. it supports both simple list and paging list in RecyclerView.

Nov 16, 2018

A RecyclerView Adapter for nested items and expand/contract capabilites.

This library provides all the needed components to create recycler views that can display multiple types of views and utilize any type of parent-child relationships the provided data may have.

The data may be infinitely nested and they can have view variations based on a plethora of different data, such as their overall position on the recycler, their relative position inside their parent item, the position of their parent, the existence or not of sub-nested items and more.

Nov 16, 2018

Sections decorator is RecyclerView decorator that decorates multi section recycler with vertical / horizontal line and section title. Current section title is always visible. It might be useful in todo list or calendar like applications.

Nov 12, 2018

An easy way to search in your recycler view without having an always-on display search view.

Ever wanted a recycler view with a search bar? That's a simple library that lets you wrap your recyclerView into my custom layout which provides a hidden searchview which you can show by scrolling up/down the recycler.

Nov 11, 2018

A custom recycler view with shimmer views to indicate that views are loading for AndroidX. This will only work if you are using AndroidX RecyclerView as a dependency.

Nov 11, 2018

Highly customizable Android library written in Kotlin that uses AndroidX and extends RecyclerView to include extra features, such as support for gestures like swipe and drag & drop.

Oct 29, 2018

A custom layout manager for recycler view.

Oct 21, 2018

Covert is an Android Library for easily implementing Material Swipe Actions in a RecyclerView. The design of the animations was based heavily around the Swipe Action Gestures demonstrated in the Material Interaction guidelines.

Oct 7, 2018

A pure simple table-grid view implementation based on RecyclerView

Sep 21, 2018

Build expandable descendant navigation, inspired by Google Inbox's rad UI.

Sep 15, 2018

Simplifies usage of the RecyclerView with multiple ViewHolders.

Sep 11, 2018

A custom calendar view.

May 29, 2018

A custom RecyclerView with additional functionality. Allows you to add divider, itemSpace, emptyView, sticky header and some other features.

May 27, 2018

EasyAdapter allows to create you RecyclerView adapter in just 3 lines.

  • Reduce Boilerplate code to create adapter and holder.
  • You can filter adapter without coding much.
  • You will have load more features with progress bar.
  • Includes swipe to action.
  • Includes View Events callbacks (ClickEvent,CheckChangeEvent) and many more..
May 19, 2018

Chameleoen deals with the Status of RecyclerView

Apr 12, 2018

A library for add margin each item in RecyclerView.

Mar 12, 2018

Drag & drop item decorator for RecyclerView with support for highlighting hovered items.

Mar 11, 2018

FancyAccordionView is a custom view that can be used for showing a list of items. It extends RecyclerView and offers the following features:

  • allows you to expand and collapse each item
  • allows custom layout for extended/collapsed item
  • callback for extended/collapsed item click
  • scroll up the clicked item
Mar 8, 2018

StickyTimeLine is timeline view for Android.

Jan 5, 2018

Kotlin Dsl for Android RecyclerView.

Jan 1, 2018

TableView is a powerful Android library for displaying complex data structures and rendering tabular data composed of rows, columns and cells. TableView relies on a separate model object to hold and represent the data it displays.

Dec 29, 2017

An android library that provides long press drag and swipe functionality for recycler view items.

Dec 9, 2017

A library to make avatar view like in tinder app.

Nov 24, 2017

This Repository simplifies working process with RecyclerView Adapter, generates ViewHolders automatically, makes it easy to create heterogeneous list and to set OnClickListeners to itemViews or it's childViews.

Nov 18, 2017

The ViewHolder has one function - to provide a link to the view in a layout. So when you use the RecyclerView and you need to add a new View Type in your list - you must create a new ViewHolder. It is fine when you have a couple types. But there is no need to create each time a new Holder. With this library you no need create a ViewHolder each time. The ViewFinder as a universal ViewHolder. It can provide a link to anyone view.

Nov 17, 2017

A RecyclerView with edit mode, including delete, sort function.

Nov 6, 2017