Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

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This is a sample project which helps anybody who wish to work with GreenDAO library.

This application contains all the thing you need to start creating project using GreenDAO.

Nov 2, 2016

This compiler will generate you db class, content provider and several helper class for you from a describing file. You can set several options like package name, database name, database version, content authority and others.

Oct 9, 2016

A simple copying external database library for Android.

Aug 3, 2016

This is an Android specific distribution of the latest versions of SQLite. It contains the latest SQLite version and the Android specific database APIs derived from AOSP packaged as an AAR library distributed on jcenter.

Apr 4, 2016

Adding migrations in Android for databases is tricky and involves a lot a human effort. There is huge scope for human error and screwed up migrations. Poirot aims to fix that by attempting to automatically generating migrations where it can, and by forcing certain practices upon the user.

Mar 8, 2016

This project is aimed at providing a simple API to build SQLite query statements. This library does nothing but build statements; it's not an ORM. The API syntax is inspired from the jOOQ library.

Feb 26, 2016

Easy to use media store with AutoCursor in RxJava.

Jul 18, 2015

DBTools Gen is a ORM Java class file generator and SQL Schema file generator library. DBTools Gen makes it easy to create databases schema files and create JPA ORM Mapping or Android ORM Mapping files.

Jun 22, 2015

This project intends to solve the problem of concurrent write attempts from different threads to an Android SQLite database.

Jun 22, 2015

A demo application for the Poetry library.

Jun 17, 2015

Poetry is a persistence library that allows you to persist a JSON object tree (through Jackson) directly into an SQLite database (through OrmLite). Poetry enables you to write less code and persist data much faster.

Jun 17, 2015

NexusData is an object graph and persistence framework for Android. It allows for organizing and managing relational data and serializing it to SQLite or custom stores. The data can be accessed or modified using higher level objects representing entities and their relationships. NexusData manages all the objects in the persistence store, tracks changes, and maintains consistency in relationships.

Jun 7, 2015

A fast way to store POJO in sqlite on an Android device without troubling yourself with database creation.

May 26, 2015

Easy to build selection and selectionArgs for sql.

May 20, 2015

A SQLite statement builder for Java and Android.

May 15, 2015

RestorableSQLiteDatabase is a wrapper to replicate android's SQLiteDatabase class with restoring capability. This wrapper makes it possible to undo changes made after execution of SQL queries.

May 5, 2015

RxCupboard brings the excellent Android Cupboard library into the world of RxJava. Using a small set of convenience Observables, you can fluently store and retrieve streams of POJOs from your database.

Apr 15, 2015

A library brings numerous handy classes and methods to help us concatenating and performing CRUD SQLs in Android SQLite.

Mar 10, 2015

Use easily the database SQLite on Android using the DAO and transformer design patterns. Basic methods are already implemented in the class SQLiteDelegate, if you need further queries you should extend from it.

Feb 25, 2015

Android SQLite database manager.

Feb 23, 2015

A lightweight wrapper around SQLiteOpenHelper which introduces reactive stream semantics to SQL operations.

Feb 20, 2015

Database Migrations Made Easy.

Feb 18, 2015

This library is design to insert cursor row inside another cursor or insert dummy row inside actual cursor.

Nov 16, 2014

Android library for detecting and reporting long running SQLite queries.

If some of your queries takes longer than the threshold specified in the CerberusCursorFactory constructor, the report containing the offending query, elapsed query time, stack trace, and the result of EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN sqlite query will be dumped into the logcat.

Sep 25, 2014

A library for defining the traversable hierarchy of data models.

Sep 23, 2014

Android library for getting existing db schema information from sqlite_master table.

You can use the schema information in your SQLiteOpenHelper's onCreate and onUpgrade to remove some boilerplate code.

Sep 23, 2014

android-schema-utils is an Android library for simplifying database schema and migrations management.

Sep 21, 2014

Some common utilities for ContentProvider / ContentResolver / Cursor and other db-related android stuff.

Sep 21, 2014

A python utility to pull android database files of a particular app from an emulator without having to go through all the regular adb shenanigans every time, features:

  • pulls the .db files from the databases folder to a local directory on your dev computer
  • supports multiple devices
  • supports selective db file pulls
  • tested on a Genymotion emulator
Sep 11, 2014

A little Java framework to help in the use of an SQLite Database in Android.

Jul 30, 2014