Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

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An Android library that allows you to figure out the quality of the current user's internet connection. The connection gets classified into several "Connection Classes" that make it easy to develop against. The library does this by listening to the existing internet traffic done by your app and notifying you when the user's connection quality changes. Developers can then use this Connection Class information and adjust the application's behavior.

Mar 28, 2015

WatchTower - observe OKHttp and Retrofit API calls with their request and response details in any browser connected to your local network (Phone, PC, Laptop, ...)

May 25, 2019

This library is an Android networking abstraction library consisting of a combination of Volley, OkHttp, and Jackson, with a little glue to stick it all together. It's a great place to start if you need to execute requests, especially thos which return JSON.

Aug 20, 2014

A simple Android library to notify Android device network changes to help react properly.

Apr 29, 2019

A light weight and lifecycle awared live internet connection status library using reactivenetwork and crouton.

Apr 16, 2020

Android Http Client is a small library to make requests to any internet service simple and practical way. You can implement multiple interfaces for the management of the responses. It also includes interfaces for managing upload and download of files.

Jan 4, 2017

A smart and simple way to work with paged endpoints.

Jul 19, 2018

Provides a simple way for handling connectivity change events.

Nov 15, 2015

OkHttp-Stats is an android library built on top of OkHttp3, which is responsible for intercepting all the network calls and for calculating network stats such as the average network speed of the user.

This is more of an analytical tool which can be used to track the success and error response logs.

Can be plugged in to any app which uses okhttp in their networking stack.

Jan 19, 2017

RxWebSocket is a simple, lightweight, reactive wrapper around OkHttp WebSocket, inspired by RxAndroidBle.

Instead of implementing a WebSocketListener like you would normally do with WebSocket, you can subscribe to it and when it is connected, subscribe to its messages. When you're done with the connection, you can simply unsubscribe and it takes care of closing the connection for you.

Jun 26, 2020

Convenient wrapper library to perform network queries using Retrofit and Android Priority Job Queue (Job Manager).

May 6, 2017

An asynchronous http client built on top of HttpURLConnection.

Jan 7, 2018

RoboSpice is a modular android library that makes writing asynchronous long running tasks easy. It is specialized in network requests, supports caching and offers REST requests out-of-the box using extension modules.

Jul 5, 2014

A collection of Retrofit convenience classes.

  • Retrofit LiveData extension function
  • Retrofit DSL
  • Retry Call Annotation
  • Cache Call Annotation
Jun 10, 2018

NetworkUilt is a fast and efficient open source synchronous network fetcher for Android which makes HTTP/HTTPS calls very easy.

It takes an URL as input parameter and returns the raw data in string which can be parsed later.

May 21, 2018

An android restful api/networking library using okhttp library as backbone.

Oct 16, 2017

DMNetworking Library is a powerful library for doing any type of networking in Android applications which is made on top of AsyncHttpClient and Jackson JSON parser.

Jan 25, 2019

An OkHttp interceptor which shows logs from OkHttp request and response data by shaking your device.

Jul 11, 2016

AutoRefreshNetworkConnection is a library that gives you a very simple code and easy to use it. It can handle your tasks when the device connected or disconnected from internet (wifi or mobile data) by using observer pattern.

Jul 18, 2019

A simple to use networking library that makes it easy to retrieve data from REST APIs. Also provides a mock function to build/test your app without actually making the http request.


  • Supports GET/POST/PUT/DELETE (for now)
  • Supports file downloads and uploads (with progress callbacks)
  • Supports http post data (json, multipart, url-encoded, plain text, xml)
  • Simple OAuth logins using password resource flow
  • Queued requests
  • Global and per request mocking
  • Built in deserialization for JSON (using gson)
  • Automatically handles redirects
Aug 14, 2017

OkSse is an extension library for OkHttp to create a Server-Sent Event (SSE) client.

Server-sent events is a standard describing how servers can initiate data transmission towards clients once an initial client connection has been established. They are commonly used to send message updates or continuous data streams to a client.

Jan 7, 2018

Asynchronous socket (client+server) communications.

Feb 16, 2019

It's a small library for fixing OpenSSL handshake with modern http client library: Picasso, Fast AndroidNetworking, Volley, Retrofit... whatever uses OkHttp library.

Jan 20, 2019

A Retrofit 2 CallAdapter.Factory for Android LiveData

Feb 10, 2018

Easily monitor remote hosts and ports reachability on Android.

Oct 12, 2015

RestRequest is a wrapper library that uses standard HttpRequest components to make JSON Rest Calls. RestRequest is aimed on achieving easy implementation, reusable request objects, instinctive configuration options.

Sep 24, 2018

A Retrofit Converter which based on Gson-Converter also can encrypt/decrypt JSON.

Mar 31, 2018

A small library to check whois records of a domain.

Oct 6, 2018

Helper class to configure cache behaviour of OkHttp client, also works with Retrofit for Android.

Jul 1, 2016

A simple library to make http request.

Jan 7, 2018