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AbstractMvp is a library that provides abstract components for MVP architecture realization, with problems solutions that are exist in classic MVP.

Oct 12, 2018

Binds Android Activity lifecycle callbacks to Activity fields annotated with @AirCycle.

Fields annotated with @AirCycle that are defined in an Activity will receive lifecycle callbacks of the enclosing Activity. The Activity does NOT need to implement any interface or extend any specific base class.

The field itself also does NOT need to implement any interface or extend any specific base class.

The binding class is generated in compile time using Java annotation processing, NO reflection is used at runtime. Since all classes are generated in compile time, it can safely be used with ProGuard.

Inspired by SoundCloud's LightCycle library. Compared to LightCycle, AirCycle supports passing of Activity lifecycle callbacks without the need to extend from a specific base Activity. Additionally, the listener classes are completely flexible, without the need to extend from any class or interface. This enables more flexibility when developing and further promotes composition over inheritance.

Oct 18, 2016

A demo project for the health care todo list based on Kotlin MVVM architecture and material design & animations.

Jun 30, 2019

An Implementation of the Actor-Model in pure Android components, also supports inter-process communication between Actors.

Aug 28, 2017

A simple implementation of android app based Android new architecture components (ViewModel, LiveDate, RoomDAO) with Dagger2 & Retrofit2. Written in Kotlin.

Apr 14, 2018

Android Architecture using Google guides.

May 20, 2017

Movie Sample project with new android architecture components.

May 22, 2017

Android Architecture Components (AAC) is a new collection of libraries that contains the lifecycle-aware components. It can solve problems with configuration changes, supports data persistence, reduces boilerplate code, helps to prevent memory leaks and simplifies async data loading into your UI. I can’t say that it brings absolutely new approaches for solving these issues, but, finally, we have a formal, single and official direction.

May 23, 2017

This application is example of Android Architecture Components which implements MVVM Pattern.

May 26, 2017

Android kotlin clean architecture rxjava2 + dagger2 + retrofit2 + realm.

Apr 2, 2017

Android Kotlin Starter is a starter project which implements MVP Pattern.

May 22, 2017

Android App starter based on Android + MVP + Dagger2 + RxJava2 + Robolectric + Espresso + Mockito + JaCoCo.

Feb 7, 2017

An Android MVVM helper library which works really well with Android Data binding.

Oct 7, 2017

This is simple example of pure MVVM (Model VIew View-Model) android architecture example using Data Binding, ViewModel and many more features.

Mar 31, 2018

The library provides the means necessary to easily integrate the MVVM Architectural Pattern into your application; it includes the adaptations for the dagger 2 DI library, as well as the new Android Navigation Architecture Component one.

The library is accompanied by a comprehensive Demo Application that is built upon the MVVM and Clean Architecture concepts and utilizes such libraries as RxJava, Dagger2, Android Navigation Architecture Component, OkHttp, Retrofit, Room, Glide.

Jun 23, 2019

This is the SampleApp for Android Project Structure.

Nov 10, 2016

Examples of application architecture implements in Android. Contains MVC, MVVM, Redux.

Mar 16, 2018

Best practices in Android development - lessons learned from Android developers in Futurice. Avoid reinventing the wheel by following these guidelines.

Nov 5, 2014

This is a sample app that is part of a blog post about how to architect android application using the Uncle Bob's clean architecture approach.

Sep 3, 2014

A showcase of Flux architecture patterns for Android apps.

Jan 6, 2018

This demo aims shows practical way of clean architecture, MVP.

May 3, 2017

This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVP architecture using Dagger2, GreenDao, RxJava2, FastAndroidNetworking and PlaceholderView.

Feb 4, 2017

A basic sample android application to understand MVP in a very simple way. Just clone, build, run and understand MVP.

Feb 5, 2019

Android Starter is a starter project which implements MVP Pattern. It includes libraries:

  • RxJava2
  • RxAndroid
  • Dagger2
  • Butterknife
  • Crashlytics
  • Timber
  • GreenDao
  • Realm
  • Retrofit
  • OkHttp
  • Gson
  • Picasso
Apr 11, 2017

This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVVM architecture using Dagger2, Room, RxJava2, FastAndroidNetworking and PlaceholderView.

Jan 21, 2018

Model-View-ViewModel (ie MVVM) is a template of a client application architecture, proposed by John Gossman as an alternative to MVC and MVP patterns when using Data Binding technology. Its concept is to separate data presentation logic from business logic by moving it into particular class for a clear distinction. You can also check MVP

Dec 16, 2018

A basic sample android application to understand MVVM in a very simple way.

Dec 25, 2018

AndroidKickstartR helps you to quickly create a well configured Android application using the most popular libraries. It creates and configures your project for you. Just focus on code!

Sep 29, 2015

Starter boilerplate projects for Android, with Components Architecture implemented, written completely in Kotlin. Variations include Rx, Realm & Dagger usage.

Oct 26, 2017

A sample Android application to demonstrate how to build screens as fully independent modules.


  • Use native Android SDK as much as possible (Fragment, ViewModel)
  • Support configuration changes
Oct 15, 2017