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Android app built with an MVP approach without RxJava or Dagger.

Oct 22, 2016

Examples of memory leaks and common patterns that cause them in Android development and how to fix/avoid them.

Apr 9, 2018

Android DI, DDD, Specification Pattern, Repository Pattern, IoC.

Sep 3, 2015

Base skeleton structure to start every new project, based on the design patters suggested by Robert C. Martin (aka Uncle Bob) on his clean architecture.

Jan 19, 2016

Sample app showcases the MVP pattern and Uncle Bob Martin's Clean Architecture approach.

Aug 28, 2017

CatanArchitecture is a sample repository to illustrate Hexagonal architecture in Android.

May 11, 2016

Android app to demonstrate MVP Android Architecture using Dagger and SOLID principles.

Oct 31, 2017

Clean Arch is a derivative of a model-view-presenter (MVP) architectural pattern. This paradigm is made in maximizing maintenable code. So, the essentials are already bundled in one package. Its pattern is greeting like MVP, but I try refactor to apply clean code principle. For the lifecycle, I try to make a little different (not as a whole), both Activity and Fragment.

Jan 11, 2018

This is an Android Clean Architecture base project using 100% Kotlin including Unit tests!

You could use it as the base project when you create a new Android project. This architecture optimized the Clean Architecture and MVP for the Android Kotlin project. When using this architecture, you could isolate the UI, business logic and data sources, and also making the unit test easier.


  • Makes your new project clean
  • Isolates UI, business logic and data sources responsibilities
  • Testable
  • Avoids multi-threading problems
Mar 18, 2018

Clean contacts is a sample repository to illustrate Clean architecture in Android. It has also many other details that hopefully will be useful too.

Mar 15, 2015

Clean Rx Kotlin Architecture sample on GitHub Api.

Jun 11, 2020

Dagger2Scopes is a sample Android app to implement usual Dagger 1 multiple scoping logic with the brand new Dagger 2 Google lib. In this sample you will be able to find the following features:

  • Multiple scopes with Dagger 2 (Components and subcomponents).
  • An approach to Clean Architecture.
  • An approach to MVP pattern.

Apr 14, 2015

Demo Application to understand the architecture of MVVM App with Unit tests.

Jul 1, 2021

The Android SDK has changed much since its first version. Every new version comes with many new APIs. However, there is no perfect API, some do too much under the hood, others couple your classes to the context, others have more lifecycle events than you have years in your life.

This sample project shows how to apply MVP and Clean architecture on an Android app.

Oct 1, 2015

Sample project created to reinforce some of the main concepts described in the tech talk "Effective Android UI".

Jan 11, 2015

A showcase of RxJava and Model View Presenter, plus a number of other popular libraries for android development, including AutoValue, Retrofit, Moshi, and ButterKnife. Unit tests covering any business logic and Robolectric tests verifying the ui.

Jan 2, 2017

A demo project based on MVVM clean architecture and material design & animations.

Jan 30, 2018

A demo project based on Kotlin, MVVM architecture, coroutines, dagger, koin, and material designs & animations.

Dec 9, 2019

A small Android sample demonstrates MVP (Model-View-Presenter) pattern.

Apr 30, 2017

Product Hunt client for Android.

Feb 18, 2018

A sample Android application, written in Kotlin, to demonstrate how to build screens as fully independent modules.

Use cases:

  • Screen 1: type a user
  • Screen 2: load and display GitHub repos for this user
Mar 19, 2018

Repository that showcases 3 different Android app architectures, all with Java and Kotlin versions: "Standard Android", MVP and MVVM. The exact same app is built 6 times following the different patterns.

Sep 10, 2017

Kloud is a Kotlin implementation of a new architecture idea that I named cloud, it's based on system communication without any type of instance reference or static properties, in a robust, simple and reactive way.

Jun 13, 2017

This example describes how use Espresso in Android-Kotlin using MVP, Dagger2, Retrofit.

Jul 8, 2017

Simple project demonstrating the MVP architecture with Kotlin, Dagger2 and Unit Tests to help developers build better apps.

May 9, 2017

This is a SIMPLE MVP-CLEAN KOTLIN sample of Rosie Implementation Architecture!

May 13, 2017

An example of CleanArchitecture on Kotlin.

Jul 1, 2016

This project is the evolution of our way to understand code quality based on Clean Architecture.

In this repo you'll find an example app to show our way to architect android projects.

Nov 2, 2017

Clean MVP Architecture with RxJava + Dagger2 + Retrofit2 + Mockito + Fresco + EasiestGenericRecyclerAdapter using Kotlin. Includes Unit Tests(Kotlin Tests)!

Main purpose of this repo is dealing unit testing problems and find easy ways to handle them.

Mar 17, 2018

A sample app that shows how we can apply unidirectional data flow architecture on Android using Kotlin.

Oct 14, 2017