Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

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Sodium is a new, easy-to-use software library for encryption, decryption, signatures, password hashing and more.

Aug 22, 2016

JJWT aims to be the easiest to use and understand library for creating and verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).

Aug 20, 2015

Android application compatible with ZX2C4's Pass command line application.

Dec 13, 2014

This is a reference guide for Android Security things.

Jan 4, 2017

Windows Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) for Android.

Jul 5, 2014

This is an Android Library Project that provides multiple means to improve network security in mobile applications.

Jul 5, 2014

openpgp-api-lib provides methods to execute OpenPGP operations, such as sign, encrypt, decrypt, verify, and more without user interaction from background threads. This is done by connecting your client application to a remote service provided by OpenKeychain or other OpenPGP providers.

Sep 3, 2014

Reactive extension for Google's Smart Lock for Passwords API.

Jan 4, 2016

This Java library provides an implementation of macaroons, which are flexible authorization tokens that work great in distributed systems.

Like cookies, macaroons are bearer tokens that enable applications to ascertain whether their holders' actions are authorized. But macaroons are better than cookies!

Sep 5, 2014

Safe to run has been developed in order to simplify development of secure android applications. In particular the goal of the project is to provide a simple, configurable way for app developers to define when an app should or should not run and a simple way of calling that check.

Jan 9, 2022

Heimdall is an OAuth 2.0 client specifically designed for easy usage and high flexibility. It supports all grants as described in Section 4 as well as refreshing an access token as described in Section 6 of the The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework specification.

Jun 21, 2015

A repackage of Bouncy Castle for Android (which ships a crippled version of BC).

Jul 5, 2014

An Android library that prevents your app from being pirated / cracked using Google Play Licensing (LVL), APK signature protection and more.

May 29, 2016

A small and simple library for managing trial period in your android app.

Mar 11, 2019

Android library build on top of retrofit, for simple handling of authenticated requests.

Jul 26, 2015

Storing Credentials securely on a Device is a must. To make that possible we have combined the Android Keystore for generating Cryptographic keys, and storing them securely and using those keys we encrypt the credentials and save them in the SharedPreferences.

Apr 25, 2017

Android JNI model implementation of Rob Napier's RNCryptor.

May 29, 2016

Conceal provides a set of easy to use APIs for performing fast encryption and authentication of data. Apps can use Conceal to encrypt data and large files stored in public locations, for example SD cards.

Jul 5, 2014

BillingProtector is a small Android library aiming to check the device state & purchases security. Its main purpose is to block a transition if the application has been modified or patched; it can also be used to prevent applications from being executed on an unprotected/insecure environment.

Nov 4, 2018

IOCipher provides a virtual encrypted disk for Android apps without requiring the device to be rooted. It uses a clone of the standard API for working with files, so developers already know how to use it. Only password handling, and opening the virtual disk are what stand between the developer and working encrypted file storage. It is based on and SQLCipher.

Jul 12, 2014

SimpleEncryptorLibrary is a library for encryption and decryption strings in Android apps and PC/Mac Java applications.

Oct 11, 2016

Simple wrapper library in Kotlin is designed to save secret to local shared preferences using Android default security and Android Keystore. KeystoreCompat ensures handling LockScreen and compatibility among diversity of Android versions.

Apr 10, 2017

Adds (non native) PGP encryption and decryption support.

Feb 2, 2018

Encryptor4j consists of a set of wrapper and utility classes that make leveraging cryptography in your application alot easier.

It enables developers to encrypt and decrypt with little room for error, using few lines of code and supports all popular encryption algorithms such as AES, DES, RSA etc.

Apr 12, 2017

A simple way to encrypt your secure data like passwords into a native .so library.

Jan 12, 2018

Encryption is a simple way to create encrypted strings to Android project.

Sep 13, 2014

Secure and efficient cryptography library for Android. (Auto fix SecureRandom bugs in API 18 and below.)


  • AES-256 encryption algorithm
  • CBC/CTR mode of operations
  • Block padding with PKCS7 (only with CBC)
  • Computationally secure random salt (of cipher block size)
  • Password stretching with PBKDF2
  • Random IV generated on each encryption (16 bytes)
  • Supports MD5, SHA1, and SHA2 hash functions
  • Generate secure keys with SecureRandom or
  • Asymmetric encryption with RSA
  • Auto handle large data by using hybrid asymmetric encryption
  • Supported RSA key sizes are 2048 bits and 4096 bits
Sep 21, 2017

A simple Android Library for performing encryption with AES.

Jun 8, 2018

Easy keystore manipulation.

Jun 19, 2018

Simple API to perform AES encryption on Android with no dependencies.

Apr 1, 2015