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A GitHub repository to be notified of new AndroidX (Jetpack) library versions and their changelog automatically via GitHub notifications.

Jan 23, 2022

NoticeBoard is a changelog library for Android API 21+. It helps developers display the history of changes in their applications.

Nov 1, 2019

WhatsNew automatically displays a short description of the new features when users update your app.

Oct 13, 2018

A beautiful way to showcase new features of your app.

Sep 28, 2018

Changelog library with a builder setup and advanced filtering.


  • filtering (based on flavour for example)
  • filtering by min version
  • optionally show dialog/activity only once or if new changelogs are available which the user has not seen yet
  • optional bullet lists
Mar 18, 2018

Project for creating a changelog dialog, release notes, recent changes.

Jul 5, 2014

ckChangeLog - An Android Library to display a Change Log

Jul 5, 2014

changeloglib allows to display your changelog.

Jul 5, 2014