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We could not find any project with the given search parameters, but maybe the following projects can be interesting for you.

Jus is a flexible and easy HTTP/REST client library for Java and Android.

Sep 26, 2016

AndResGuard is a tool to proguard resource for Android, just like ProGuard in Java. It can change res/drawable/wechat to r/d/a, and rename the resource file wechat.png to a.png. Finally, it repackages the apk with 7zip, which can reduce the package size obviously.

Jan 18, 2016

A Powerful Android Content Provider ORM. It uses Content Providers to access the data and internally uses SQLite to actually store the data. It can be used as a typical ORM, by creating Java objects and applying some Annotations and/or by extending QuantumFluxRecord on them and they will be accessed normally and creates ContentProvider.

Aug 19, 2015