

v2.0.1 (Mar 21, 2018)
May 6, 2014
Feb 11, 2022 (Retired)
Novoda (novoda)
Antonio Bertucci (mr-archano)
Carl-Gustaf Harroch (charroch)
Daniele Bonaldo (danybony)
Paul Blundell (blundell)
Sebastiano Poggi (rock3r)
Sebastian Engel (SebastianEngel)
Friedger (friedger)
Zvonko Grujic (grujo)
Christopher Orr (orrc)
Sebastian Schuberth (sschuberth)
Adam Brown (ouchadam)
Emanuele Zattin (emanuelez)
Volker Leck (devisnik)
Stefan Hoth (stefanhoth)
Xavi Rigau (xrigau)
Jared Burrows (jaredsburrows)
Said Tahsin Dane (tasomaniac)
Francesco Pontillo (frapontillo)
Show all (24)24
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Use gradle tasks to run specific adb commands.


You can use this plugin to do things such as:

  • Find all devices attached and get basic info about them
  • Select the first one that complies with a custom rule
  • Install a specific APK from the available build types + flavours
  • Clear preferences or do something related to the APK to prepare for tests
  • Run monkey for that specific APK on that specific device
  • Uninstall the APK

This is particularly useful for CI servers but could be used to speed up development as well.

Adding to your project

To start using this library, add these lines to the build.gradle of your project:

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: ''

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.novoda:gradle-android-command-plugin:2.1.0'

Simple usage

The plugin creates new tasks that you can use:

  • installDevice<Variant> [com.novoda.gradle.command.InstallDevice] - installs the app on a specific device.
  • uninstallDevice<Variant> [com.novoda.gradle.command.UninstallDevice] - uninstalls the app from a specific device.
  • run<Variant> [com.novoda.gradle.command.Run] - installs and launches the app on a specific device.
  • start<Variant> [com.novoda.gradle.command.Run] - launches an already installed app on a specific device.
  • stop<Variant> [com.novoda.gradle.command.Stop] - Forcibly stops the app on a specific device.
  • monkey<Variant> [com.novoda.gradle.command.Monkey] - installs and runs monkey on a specific device.
  • clearPrefs<Variant> [com.novoda.gradle.command.ClearPreferences] - clears app preferences on a specific device.
  • [enable|disable]SystemAnimations - Enables/Disables system animations on the device.
  • [enable|disable]DemoMode - Enables/Disables demo mode on the device.
  • com.novoda.gradle.command.Files - enables basic file copy via push and pull, wrapping the respective adb calls.

For advanced usage please take a look into the sample project build.gradle file.


Command Extension

The plugin provides command extension under the official android extension for configuration.

command {
    // Optional adb and aapt path. By default, $ANDROID_HOME will be used 
    adb '~/full/path/to/adb'
    aapt '~/full/path/to/aapt'
    // Optional device id
    // By default, the first device will be used 
    // Can be overridden at any time with `-DdeviceId` command line argument
    // Can be a closure (for lazy evaluation) or just a String.
    deviceId = "DEVICE_SERIAL"
    // or
    deviceId {
        // some lazy script to evaluate deviceId 
    // Categorize plugin tasks by task type or by variant names
    sortBySubtasks false
    // Additional methods to utilize in custom closures:
    List<Device> devices = devices()        // connected devices 
    List<String> deviceIds = deviceIds()    // connected device ids
    // Sub-extensions. More info below ⬇️
    monkey {
        // Configure monkey task
    scripts {
        // named scripts for device input automation
    demoMode {
        // configure Android Marshmallow's demo mode
    install {
        // named install tasks with custom flags
    start {
        // named run/start tasks

Device class

Current connected devices can be retrieved via devices(). Here are the methods available on a Device object. These can be useful if used in other configurations. Examples can be found in the sample.

Integer sdkVersion()
String androidVersion()
String brand()
String model()
String manufacturer()
String screenDensity()
String country()
String language()
String timezone()
String deviceProperty(String key) // Possible keys:

Input Scripting

The plugin provides an extension called scripts which allows to perform simple scripting automation. It wraps adb shell input tool.

Here is an example called autoLogin which will input the test username and password into the sample app.

scripts {
    autoLogin {
        execute {
          2.times {
              text 'bob'

This config will create a gradle task called autoLogin. Running ./gradlew autoLogin will try to input bob then press enter. This will be done 2 times and then another enter will be pressed.

You may have a custom groovy closure to do scripting as you like. The following input methods are available:

text(String value)
tap(int x, int y)
swipe(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY)
key(int code)

Demo Mode

[enable|disable]DemoMode tasks are create to control demo mode on Android Marshmallow (API level 23) devices.

By default these tasks setup the demo mode with most common used default values. And they can be controlled with demoMode DSL.

demoMode {
    battery {
        level '100'
        plugged 'false'
    network {
        wifi 'show'
        level '4'
    clock.hhmm '0810'
    notifications.visible 'false'

All possible values can be found in the official Android documentation


installDevice<Variant> tasks are available by default just to install the app. The plugin also supports an install DSL to define custom installation tasks.


Here is an extension called fromGooglePlay which will create installFromGooglePlay<Variant> tasks.

install {
    fromGooglePlay {
        description "Installs with flag Play Store"
        customFlags {
            ['-i', '']

Note: customFlags also supports any custom Closure to be lazily evaluated.

More flags can be found in the install section of the official adb document.


start<Variant> and run<Variant> tasks are available by default. Start tasks just start an already installed application. Run tasks first install the app before starting.

Just like the install DSL, it is possible to specify a device id. Doing this will create corresponding start and run tasks.

start {
    amazon {
        deviceId {
            def kindle = devices().find { it.brand() == 'Amazon' }
            if (!kindle) {
                throw new GroovyRuntimeException('No Amazon device found')

This configuration creates startAmazon<Variant> and runAmazon<Variant> tasks.


Snapshot builds from develop are automatically deployed to a repository that is not synced with JCenter. To consume a snapshot build add an additional maven repo as follows:

repositories {
    maven {
        url ''

You can find the latest snapshot version following this link.


Here are a list of useful links:

  • We always welcome people to contribute new features or bug fixes, here is how
  • For more info on how start working on this project, see this wiki page
  • If you have a problem check the Issues Page first to see if we are working on it
  • For further usage or to delve more deeply checkout the Project Wiki
  • Looking for community help, browse the already asked Stack Overflow Questions or use the tag: support-android-command when posting a new question