Java - NoOp ![]()
This is probably one of the simplest Java annotation processing libraries out there.
It generates no-op implementations of your interfaces.
- Supports Generics & Multiple Inheritance
- Simply annotate your interface with
like this:
public interface TestInterface {
byte aByte();
short aShort();
int anInt();
long aLong();
float aFloat();
double aDouble();
char aChar();
boolean aBoolean();
String aString();
void aVoid();
- And it will generate the following no-op implementation at compile time:
public class NoOpTestInterface implements TestInterface {
public static final TestInterface INSTANCE = new NoOpTestInterface();
public byte aByte() {
return (byte) 0;
public short aShort() {
return (short) 0;
public int anInt() {
return 0;
public long aLong() {
return 0L;
public float aFloat() {
return 0.0F;
public double aDouble() {
return 0.0D;
public char aChar() {
return '';
public boolean aBoolean() {
return false;
public String aString() {
return null;
public void aVoid() {
public static TestInterface noOpTestInterface() {
return INSTANCE;
The implemented methods return the default data type value as per Java Data Types:
Data type | Default value |
byte | 0 |
short | 0 |
int | 0 |
long | 0L |
float | 0.0F |
double | 0.0D |
char | '\u0000' |
String (or any object) | null |
boolean | false |
- It also supports Generics (bounded/unbounded) and multiple inheritance of interfaces:
public interface TestInterface<A, B, C extends Throwable> extends TestInterface2, TestInterface3 {
A genericA();
B genericB();
C genericC();
interface TestInterface2 {
void fromTestInterface2();
interface TestInterface3 {
void fromTestInterface3();
- Generated no-op implementation:
public class NoOpTestInterface<A, B, C extends Throwable> implements TestInterface<A, B, C> {
public A genericA() {
return null;
public B genericB() {
return null;
public C genericC() {
return null;
public void fromTestInterface2() {
public void fromTestInterface3() {
Gradle (using apt):
def noOpVersion = '1.2.0'
compile "com.jenzz.noop:annotation:$noOpVersion"
apt "com.jenzz.noop:processor:$noOpVersion"
Maven (using maven-compiler-plugin):
Snapshot versions are available in Sonatype's SNAPSHOTS repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.