A simple log helper which helps you to log in a whole different level - You can enable and disable logs - Can print method names when necessary ##Include library Including logger is very simple
compile 'com.github.sujithkanna:logger:0.4'
add this to your dependencies in build.gradle. ##Import
import com.hsalf.logger.Log;
import the log from this package instead of default log.
Prints the message like the android default log does.
Log.e(...); = Error
Log.v(...); = Verbose
Log.d(...); = Debug
Log.i(...); = Info
Log.w(...); = Warning
##Enabling/Disabling To enable logs
To disable logs
Note: The speciality of this is internally it wont check each and every time using a boolean to detect if the log is enabled, instead it switches between modes. Basically there are two instacnes of log inside this Log.java file, One is empty and other is live. If you enable the logs, the live one will be used to print logs, if you disable logs, then the live log instance will be replaced with empty log instance which prints nothing. This way we can avoid unnecessary checks before printing logs. ##Logging
Log.i(TAG, "Hello log");
you can log anything you want.
Log.i(TAG, 12345);
Log.i(TAG, jsonObject);
Log.i(TAG, yourCustomPojoClass);
To print your own pojo class you have to override the toString method inside your class
public static class MyPojo {
private String name;
private int age;
public String toString() {
return "Mypojo{" +
"name='" + name + '\'' +
", age=" + age +
Log with throwable
try {
// Your code which might throw error
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "Got an internal error", ex)
Like the default android log you can log messages with throwables.
Now you can print logs with auto tags which is class and method names and the line number. if you are calling the log from your MainActivity's onCreate
private static final String TAG = "MainActivity";
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Log.e(TAG, "test hello log", true);
This will print like
E/MainActivity_onCreate()_16: test hello log
Here the "MainActivity" is the tag you gave, "onCreate()" is the method where you called the log from, and "16" is the line numer.
The auto naming method is little bit expensive, so it is highly recommended to use this only in debug mode. But is is very simple to enable/disable auto naming. ##Auto Naming ####Create an application class for your application
public class MyApplication extends Application {
private static final String TAG = "MyApplication";
private static MyApplication sMyApplication;
public void onCreate() {
sMyApplication = this;
boolean debug = Log.isDebuggable(this);
Log.enableAutoNameDetection(debug); // Highly recommended
// This enables the auto naming only in debug mode.
public static MyApplication getInstance() {
return sMyApplication;
mention it in your manifest's application tag
android:name=".MyApplication" // Your application class here
// Your activities, receivers and services
Log (Auto naming)
if you call log from your main activity like this
Note: if enableAutoNameDetection() is set to true
Log.v("My message");
it will print the log as
V/MainActivity_myMethod()_22: My message
Here the "MainActivity" is the class name and "onCreate()" is the method where you called the log from, and 22" is the line numer.
Note: if enableAutoNameDetection() is set to false
Log.v("My message");
it will print the log as
V/Log: My message
Since auto name detection is disabled, it wont auto detect the class name, so the tag by default set to "Log" instead of class name. That is why giving the tag is highly recommended.
Log.v("MainActivity", "My message");
Now we have given the tag name manually, So even if the auto name detection is disabled, the log will be printed as
V/MainActivity: My message
Now you may need auto method naming in release build also. So here is a way to use auto naming which wont affect app performance on release mode.
Note: For the following procedures you should not set Log.enableAutoNameDetection() to false, by default it is true
Create a boolean member variable in your applcation class as "debuggable;
private static MyApplication sMyApplication;
private boolean debuggable;
public void onCreate() {
sMyApplication = this;
debuggable = Log.isDebuggable(this);
public static MyApplication getInstance() {
return sMyApplication;
public boolean isDebbagable() {
return debuggable;
Now use call the "isDebuggable" method to auto detect method name while printing.
Log.v("MainActivity", "My message", MyApplication.getInstacne().isDebuggalbe());
The method name will be auto detected only if the app is in debug mode.
now you can tell your application to auto detect method name eve in release mode by calling log with true as last param
Log.v("MainActivity", "My message", true);
If you know that you always need the class name ad method name even in release mode, then use
Log.v("Your log message");
Note: It is highly recommended not to use auto detection in frequent places like loops, inputstream reads etc...