Awesome Card
A flutter package to create a Credit Card widget in your application.
Stay tuned for the latest updates:
⚙️ Installation
Import the following package in your dart file
import 'package:awesome_card/awesome_card.dart';
???????? Usage
Use the Awesome Card
cardNumber: "5450 7879 4864 7854",
cardExpiry: "10/25",
cardHolderName: "Card Holder",
cvv: "456",
bankName: "Axis Bank",
cardType: CardType.masterCard, // Optional if you want to override Card Type
showBackSide: false,
backBackground: CardBackgrounds.white,
showShadow: true,
textExpDate: 'Exp. Date',
textName: 'Name',
textExpiry: 'MM/YY'
For more detail on usage, check out the example provided.
????????♂️ Author
???? License
Awesome Card is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.