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We could not find any project with the given search parameters, but maybe the following projects can be interesting for you.
  • An Android Jetpack Compose library for displaying on-screen messages.
  • Unlike the built-in Snackbar from the Compose Material library, the InfoBar can be properly displayed without additional requirements, like Scaffold, SnackbarHost / SnackbarHostState, or manually starting new coroutines to show the message.
Sep 8, 2021

Android graph view library.

Jan 18, 2018

There is a lovely method on the android.text.Html class, fromHtml(), that converts HTML into a Spannable for use with a TextView.

However, the documentation does not stipulate what HTML tags are supported, which makes this method a bit hit-or-miss. This small library provides a fluent API for building valid HTML for android.widget.TextView.

Dec 27, 2016