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We could not find any project with the given search parameters, but maybe the following projects can be interesting for you.

This is a library that easy to make using ContentProvider with OrmLite.

Jul 5, 2014

BlurDialogFragment allows to display DialogFragment with a burring effect behind. The blurring part is achieved through FastBlur algorithm.

This project is based on and

Oct 30, 2014

A gradle plugin that automatically adds clock tracking for your components and subcomponents.


DaggerTrack will tell you following type of time for each of your component and subcomponent injection:

  1. Total time: This is the total wall clock time took by the component or subcomponent injection.
  2. On CPU time: CPU time is the time the inject method took working on cpu.
  3. Off CPU time: Off CPU time is the time that inject method took when it was not running on the CPU which means it was doing some I/O work or maybe blocked on some other resource.
Jan 7, 2022