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Abstract adapter for convenient work with RecyclerView. It has several headers and footers.

Oct 27, 2015

Read incoming and outgoing text messages using an Android application across different Android SDK versions it's not trivial. If yo don't want to appear as SMS application and your application has to read incoming and outgoing SMSs this is your library.

This Android library offers you two main classes to use to start listening text messages. SMS Radar is implemented in top of an Android service. To start / stop listening text messages use SmsRadar.initializeSmsRadarService(context, listener) with a Context instance and a SmsListener implementation.

Jan 6, 2015

Adding migrations in Android for databases is tricky and involves a lot a human effort. There is huge scope for human error and screwed up migrations. Poirot aims to fix that by attempting to automatically generating migrations where it can, and by forcing certain practices upon the user.

Mar 8, 2016