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We could not find any project with the given search parameters, but maybe the following projects can be interesting for you.

Sherlock is an in-app proxy and that visualizes all requests done through OKHttp client once you add it.

It's a replacement for Desktop Proxy which requires more complicated settings of adding certificates to your phone and configuring the right port ... etc.

It makes QA or even visualizing requests very easy with the help of a floating anchor that show network activity indication, as well as showing session / saving / renaming / editing / clearing sessions, also sharing of a specific request data.

Nov 13, 2018

Paper is a fast NoSQL data storage for Android that lets you save/restore Java objects by using efficient Kryo serialization and handling data structure changes automatically.

Jul 2, 2015

Android Showcase is a project that exhibits how to implement common Android stuff in proper and structured way. To do that, it provides a list of small sub-apps, each of which is implemented utilizing libraries & components that Android developers use on daily basis.

Dec 18, 2018