

v2.3.1 (Mar 1, 2016)
Mar 26, 2015
Mar 1, 2016 (Retired)
Andrew Grosner (agrosner)
孙善明 (yaming116)
Mervyn Anthony (Mervyn-Raizlabs)
Alex Rouse (alexrrouse)
Source code


A single adapter implementation for any scrolling view or ViewGroup.

This library consolidates the differences between BaseAdapter, RecyclerView.Adapter, PagerAdapter, and binding to ViewGroup into one unified API.

Its underlying implementation is based on the ViewHolder pattern and abstracts it to work with all of the adapter views.

Including in your project


By standard Gradle use:

  dependencies {
    compile 'com.raizlabs:UniversalAdapter:2.2.0'


This library comes packed with some notable features:

  1. One adapter implementation to rule them all. Enforces ViewHolder pattern and binds to a range of ViewGroup such as LinearLayout, GridView, ListView, RecyclerView, ViewPager, and more!
  2. List observability: when an adapter's inner content changes, notifications to the parent adapter view happen automatically
  3. Merged adapter: add an arbitrary amount of UniversalAdapter's together to enable diverse view-data sets!
  4. Unified header and footer support: add an arbitrary number of headers and footers to any UniversalAdapter and let the library handle it for you, no matter the parent view!


This library comes with two main adapter classes: UniversalAdapter and ListBasedAdapter.

UniversalAdapter: The base class that all adapters should derive from. It's strongly based on the BaseAdapter class, while not relying on subclassing it.

ListBasedAdapter supports a List of items. Note: use ObservableListWrapper to pass changes from this list to this adapter automatically!

How Binding Works

Any UniversalAdapter can bind to the ViewGroup you need it to by using the UniversalConverterFactory, which exposes a UniversalConverter class. Depending on the parent ViewGroup passed to UniversalConverterFactory.create(), it returns the appropriate adapter implementation.

The UniversalConverter provides methods for:

  1. Clicks on items, footers, and headers
  2. Long Clicks on items, footers, and headers
  3. Swapping in another adapter.
  4. Retrieving the contained adapter
  5. And more


To define an adapter:

ListBasedAdapter<Item, Holder> adapter = new ListBasedAdapter<>() {
  protected void onBindViewHolder(Holder viewHolder, Item item, int position) {
    // bind here

  protected Holder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int itemType) {
      return new Holder(inflateView(parent, R.layout.my_layout));


To add items to this list-based adapter:


Now to connect it to a ListView, RecyclerView, ViewPager, or ViewGroup:

UniversalConverter<Item, Holder> universalConverter = UniversalConverterFactory.create(adapter, someViewGroup);

// each UniversalConverter determines how the click events works
// you just worry about the callback!
universalConverter.setItemClickedListener(new ItemClickedListener<>() {

  public void onItemClicked(UniversalAdapter<Item, Holder> adapter, Item item, Holder holder, int position) {
    // do something here


This method "converts" the UniversalAdapter to the appropriate adapter for the ViewGroup passed. If it cannot find a more specific adapter, it utilizes a ViewGroupAdapter, which adds all views from the adapter to a ViewGroup.

Merged Adapter

Ever need multiple kinds of uniform adapter data and want to display them together?

A MergedUniversalAdapter allows you to add multiple UniversalAdapter and display them all together!

MergedUniversalAdapter merged = new MergedUniversalAdapter();

// bind the adapter to the ViewGroup you want to use.
UniversalConverterFactory.create(merged, viewGroup);

Header and Footers

One of the pain points of RecyclerView is that it does not natively support header and footer views. ListView does provide a mechanism, but this is not done uniformly at the adapter level. We added header and footer support to UniversalAdapter to merge the two concepts together at the Adapter level, so no matter the parent container, it works the same way.

To use it:

ListBasedAdapter<Item, Holder adapter = new ListBasedAdapter<>();

// add items you want to display

// now we want some headers, no problem!

// we can also add ViewHolders too!

// same for footers

// bind to ViewGroup of your choice:
UniversalConverterFactory.create(adapter, viewGroup);

Please note that these must be added before binding the adapter to the ViewGroup. This is because the adapter treats headers and footers as different item types. Unfortunately, ListView and RecyclerView do not treat dynamic viewtypes too kindly.

ViewGroup adapter

Sometimes we want to simply add a homogenous set of data to a LinearLayout or parent ViewGroup and don't want to or can't use a ListView. Instead of having to create a BaseAdapter, write methods to bind the views to the ViewGroup, and handle changes to the adapter, we wrote ViewGroupAdapter.

You don't even need to worry about it because its the same interface for ListView, RecyclerView, and ViewPager.

LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.my_list);

// ties the adapter to this layout
// any changes to the adapter will refresh the content on this layout
UniversalConverterFactory.create(myListAdapter, layout);

That's it!


Mervyn Anthony

Dylan R. James


To become a contributor, please make pull requests against the develop branch and once code is merged, we'll add you!