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We could not find any project with the given search parameters, but maybe the following projects can be interesting for you.

Android Audio encapsulation library, with part Rx support.

Mar 28, 2016

RxSensors is a simple library, RxJava2 compatible, that acts as a wrapper around the Android Sensor's system, converting the stream of sensor data, into a Flowable that emits the same events, so that you can combine more sources of data for more complex operations.


  • RxJava 2 compatible
  • Handle backpressure (using Flowable)
  • Provides utilities for filtering the stream of data, so that you can for example filter you data using a Low Pass Filter (LPF) or other types of filters, based for example on the accuracy.
  • Built-in high level sensor data measurements: it can provides orientation data (Azimuth, Pitch, Roll).
Oct 7, 2018

The Bluetooth Filter library allows for a more fine grained discovery. Developed with purpose-build Android application where they connect to one or two specific Bluetooth devices in mind. The Bluetooth Filter library allows those apps to only provide a minimum list of results to their users rather instead of the usual general list of all devices found.

May 9, 2017